Our Members
Members of the Allen Fairview Chamber run the gamut from entreprenuers to major corporations and are active in both the Chamber and the community. Members enjoy member-only referrals and business building/networking opportunities as well as educational opportunities.
Our Members
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Rep Roster

Amber Russell

Pam Russell
Director of PR & Community Relations

Yemishtha Rutnam

Lori Salisbury
Community Relations Manager

DeEtte Salle

Jesse Sanchez
Business Development Officer

Dr. Drew Sanderson
Founder of Live Young Wellness Spas

Joslin Sansom

Shirley Sartin
Branch Lending and Operations Manager
Contact 2 - Shirley Sartin,  Branch Lending and Operations Manager (ssartin@happybank.com )

Mr Sathya Sastry

Maria Saunders
Human Resources Manager

Shristi Saxena

Taylor Scandrett
first name is Christopher, goes by Taylor

Cathy Schmidt

Cathy Schmidt

Jerry Schrader

Jana Schubarth
Catering & Marketing

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